PHOTOGRAPH 51: Ensemble Theatre"McMahon is matched every step by Holcombe, whose marvellous performance as Wilkins is this production’s highlight...Holcombe introduces a touch of Ealing-style comedy to the story".
-Jason Blake
LIMELIGHT MAGAZINE |  PHOTOGRAPH 51: Ensemble Theatre"Amber McMahon and Garth Holcombe were particularly impressive in this production as the pair at the play’s centre, getting off to a rocky start in the lab but awkwardly and endearingly finding peace in their professional partnership….Holcombe’s portrayal of Wilkins was stubborn and stiff-upper-lipped, but bore marks of true tenderness as his head and heart fought for precedence in many moments. His comic timing and dead-pan delivery were hilarious throughout".
-Jack Mitchell
THEATRE TRAVELS |  PHOTOGRAPH 51: Ensemble Theatre"Garth Holcombe as Maurice Wilkins is a brilliant antagonist, a tweedy wonk, stiff upper lip scientist, collegiate bonding undermined by prevailing chauvinism".
-Richard Cotter
"Holcombe performs Maurice’s stiff and patriarchal character superbly".
 TREVOR: KXT/OutHouse“Garth Holcombe is deliciously camp and cheeky as the has-been chimp, Oliver, replete in white jacquard tuxedo.”
-ALT MEDIA |  TREVOR: KXT/OutHouse“Highlights? Garth Holcombe as Oliver, a fellow show biz chimp who tantalises Trevor with tales of a glamorous life in Florida. Holcombe as Oliver dispenses helpful advice but is world-weary about the dream life. Oliver is resplendent in glittery white, it turns out he is a figment of Trevor’s imagination, appealing to Trevor’s good sense to behave.”
-THE BUZZ FROM SYDNEY |  TREVOR: KXT/OutHouse“Garth Holcombe similarly channels the simian as Oliver, Trevor’s role model and aspiration, a pongidae whose sophistication has made him more hominid, a startling presence in white suited spangle.”
 THE PLANT: Ensemble Theatre“With an excellent cast at the top of their game, the Plant is a play that will definitely amuse and provoke, but depending on your own personal experiences relating to loss, aging, and strained family dynamics, one that may pack more of a punch than expected.”
-AUSTRALIAN STAGE ONLINE |  THE PLANT: Ensemble Theatre“…an excellent cast…and Holcombe skillfully underplays his part in the proceedings…and as siblings, the three are very convincing.”
-Jason Blake, SMH |  TRIBES: Ensemble Theatre“Dowling has assembled a winning cast for Tribes…Garth Holcombe's playing of Billy's troubled brother Daniel is revelatory, the best and most deeply felt performance I've seen from him to date.”
-Jason Blake, SMH |
 RAINBOW'S END: Paramatta Riverside"Rainbow’s End is beautifully crafted, elegantly scripted and exquisitely performed...Special mention must also go to Garth Holcombe, who played not only all the cameo male roles in the piece but also the lynchpin role of Errol Fisher, naive young encyclopaedia salesman who falls in love with Dolly..."
-AUSTRALIAN STAGE |  THE PIGEONS: Griffin"The rapid cutting between conversations and locations, all of which are played as if they are occurring in the same time and same space, is a test of timing and control and Giles’s ensemble (working barefoot, which adds a dash of nimbleness to the action) perform it with clockwork precision, led by Laurence Coy’s cranky Robert and Garth Holcombe’s tortured Holger..."
-Jason Blake, SMH |  SHAKESPEARE'S R&J: National Tour"We all know the story of Juliet and her Romeo, so it’s refreshing to see the classic love story performed in a non-traditional style. Garth Holcombe was versatile and transitioned from Mercutio, Lady Capulet and Friar with ease..."